Outdoor living is part of Sydney living.

But when you spend time outdoors (and you spend your hard-earned money making the great outdoors look, well… great), you want to ensure you’re not making any of the top cardinal landscaping mistakes.

While no two outdoor spaces will look the same, you can quickly ruin a gorgeous space by falling into one of the top 5 traps we’ll share in this article.

Having helped Sydney homeowners enjoy their outdoor spaces for over 25 years and counting, we know what it takes to create a striking oasis, whether on a budget or splurging on eye-catching features.

If you’ve got an exciting outdoor project lined up this year, here are the top 5 landscaping mistakes to avoid at all costs.

#1 – Overcrowding your space

Chances are you’ve got a vision for your space. You might have a favourite type of tree or flowering plant. Maybe you have a dream veggie patch, a love of water features, or a plan to install winding pathways.

There’s nothing wrong with having an ambitious plan… unless you try to add *everything*.

From plants that look great when first planted (but inevitably grow bigger and crowd your space) to overly busy spaces full of ornaments and focal features, it’s easy to “do too much”.

Think strategically before you begin a landscape project. What do you want your garden to look like in 2, 5 or 10 years? Keep this in mind when adding plants. This is especially important as plants being too close together can mean some miss out on crucial sunlight or water, causing them to die.

The same goes for bold, dramatic garden features. Less is more, so let items stand out on their own – whether adding water features or building a pergola – and you’ll have a space that welcomes the eye without being cluttered.

#2 – Choosing plants that won’t thrive in your climate

Got a favourite plant in mind?


More importantly, will that plant survive and thrive in the local climate?

With a stable climate, Sydney offers ideal growing conditions for various plants and foliage. Many plants can thrive year-round- from mild winters to warm summers – but not all!

You’ll need to consider variables like temperature, humidity, rain, wind, sunlight, and frost as well as pH level. If you’re unsure about the type of soil in your yard or what type of plants are best suited to your property, it’s a helpful idea to schedule a consultation with a local Sydney team.

At Manna Landscapes, we’re proud to offer a 100% obligation-free consultation to help you confidently plan your own outdoor space. Simply complete a short questionnaire online to tell us a little about your vision, and a member of our experienced team will chat you through your options with no obligations or commitments.

Book your FREE design consultation here.

#3 – Planning form over function

Your yard might look like a million bucks, but is it set up for practical use too?

A field of freshly mowed grass is great. But when you want to host a BBQ or family gathering, you may wish to focus a little more on hardscape options and build a social space into your landscape design.

This goes back to thinking strategically about your space.

How do you want to enjoy your time outside? Do you plan on hosting gatherings and events? Are you looking to spend time on your own?

Answering these questions will help you think about the future and implement landscape design choices to match. Whether you install an outdoor deck with a BBQ and covering to enjoy food and drinks outside or create a central water feature with surrounding veggie gardens, there are plenty of ways to elevate your garden beyond “just” a garden.

Manna Landscapes Tip: Don’t think your landscape design can’t change over time. Whether it’s the result of a growing family, kids moving out, or changing interests, a professional landscape design team can help you change your current space without having to start over completely.

Looking to save money? Find out how much professional lawn mowing costs in Sydney

#4 – Underestimating garden maintenance

No one *loves* mowing. But you probably know it’s necessary to keep your lawn looking fresh, healthy and green. Unfortunately, it’s one of the common landscaping mistakes to create a space that looks incredible when first planted and installed… but becomes a huge pain to maintain.

It’s important you think realistically about how much work will go into keeping your space looking clean and healthy. For example, hedges create eye-catching and luxurious privacy screens for your yard, but they require careful attention to keep hedge lines sharp and proper.

If you’ve got a larger garden, the risk of underestimating future maintenance requirements increases. From trees that drop leaves in your gutter to water features that need cleaning and the many tasks in between, find the amount of maintenance you’re happy with before you start on your garden.

Not keen on mowing the lawn? We don’t blame you. Discover more about our time-saving lawn mowing service here.

#5 – Taking the DIY approach from start to finish

We’re one of Sydney’s leading landscape companies, so this might sound biased… but it’s true.

Although there are many aspects of creating a garden that you can do yourself (from planting veggie patches to clearing stumps or vegetation), there are some advantages that only a professional team can provide.

Whether it’s planning a full garden design before picking up a single tool (which helps avoid any mistakes down the line), removing weeds without harming native plants, or clearing rocks to create space for growing, a local team can help transform your outdoor space.

Add in the knowledge of what will work in Sydney’s climate, as well as the latest in design inspo, and it’s no wonder that homeowners from Chatswood to Manly hire outside help for an undeniable advantage.

Need help avoiding landscaping mistakes? Trust the team at Manna Landscapes

There are few things more enjoyable than spending time in your own perfectly designed and maintained garden on a warm and sunny Sydney day.

For those who value their space and want the best for their Sydney home, a little forward planning can help avoid the frustrating landscaping mistakes in this list. Then, if you want to upgrade your space over time, you can.

We are committed to helping Sydneysiders create gorgeous, functional, and affordable spaces that can be used all year round. To find out how we can help you, check out our project gallery or call us today to see how we can help.

Looking for help with your garden and overall landscape? Manna Landscapes is here to help so give us a call at 0415 837 699 or book a FREE garden design consultation online.